Effective Date: 07-11-2024
Thank you for shopping with Smallthings.in. We strive to ensure customer satisfaction with every purchase. Since our products are digital, please review our policy carefully.
1. Digital Product Purchases All products sold on Smallthings.in are digital product keys delivered electronically. Digital items are considered delivered and non-returnable once the product key has been sent to the buyer’s registered email address.
2. Returns Due to the nature of digital products, we cannot accept returns. Once a product key is issued and delivered, it cannot be retrieved, making it non-returnable.
3. Refunds Refunds are only issued in specific cases. A refund may be granted if:
- The Product Key is Invalid: If the product key cannot be activated due to a verified error in the code, we will verify the issue and, if confirmed, issue a replacement or refund.
- Incorrect Product Delivered: If you receive a different product from the one you ordered, please contact us immediately to resolve the issue.
To request a refund, contact us at [Insert Support Email] within 7 days of receiving the product key. You must include:
- Order number
- A detailed explanation of the issue
- Screenshots (if applicable) to verify the problem
4. Exchange Policy Exchanges are generally not available for digital products. However, in rare cases where a product key cannot be activated, and we are unable to issue a replacement, an exchange may be offered.
5. Exceptions and Final Sale Items Due to the nature of digital goods, all sales are final once the product key is delivered, except in cases covered by our refund policy.
6. Contact Information For questions regarding returns or refunds, please reach out to our support team at support@smallthings.in.